Letting my hair flourish beautifully in it's natural state.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How I've Accessorized My TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro)

Headpiece & Coofy
Coofy Hat


Bare curls
Cutting off our hair can sometimes knock our confidence level down a bit due to the change of seeing ourselves with much less hair than we are used to. For me it took me a few days to show off my new Teeny Weeny Afro, I covered it with a hat . I was a little self-conscious, paranoid that I looked crazy lol! why? I have no idea, guess I wasn't used to the sudden change. I didn't regret my decision on cutting it, just worried about what other people would say. But I got over it quick, growing up I've always had my own way of wearing/ doing things so I was like why the hell would I care now about what someone else would say? I am on a journey to healthy hair and if no one could understand that then OH WELL! To my surprise my co-workers, friends and family supported my decision on doing the Big Chop, some even thought I looked even better with my new found "do". I gained another ounce of confidence thanks to them, I started dressing up my fro with cute accessories and have been care free about my little bitty fro ever since.

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