Letting my hair flourish beautifully in it's natural state.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I'll be your "Mixtress"......

So I've tried my hand at the whole "DIY" thing since I've done my Big Chop, and lets just say......I am loving it!! For one its so much fun to me, and two I love the endless possibilities when coming up with recipes. I went out and bought me a hand blender, got home and let my undercover "Mixtress" out lol! I even had the nerve to name my creations too (pats fro). Here are  some of the recipes I've come up with so far ;

Hair Cocoon Deep Conditioner

  •  1 whole ripe avocado
  • 1tbs Raw honey (Trader Joes)
  • 1/2 cup Unsweetened organic coconut milk (Trader Joes)
  • 1/4 cup whole leaf aloe vera juice
  • 1tbs pure vitamin E oil
  • 2 tbs EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
  • 8 drops peppermint oil
  • 4 drops lavender oil
  • 1tbs sweet almond oil
  • 1/2 cup whole milk greek style yogurt (Trader Joes)
  • 1tbs jojoba oil
I added all the ingredients into a medium sized bowl and used my hand blender to mix them together. I made enough for 2 deep conditions because I deep condition once a week. I left it on for 30 minutes then used my sulfate free shampoo to wash it out. It left my hair feeling really soft.  This mixture can last about 2 weeks before it goes bad, but I've even kept it for 3 and almost 4 weeks before and it was still fine. But always smell and observe it to ensure that it has not spoiled.

Banana-Coconut Hair Mask 

  • 1 Banana 
  • 1 tbs virgin coconut oil
  • 1/4 organic unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1tbs raw honey
  • 2tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1tbs Pure emu oil
  • 1tbs Amla oil
  • 1tsp mayo
  • 1/4 Whole leaf aloe vera juice
This recipe acts as a protein treatment/ deep conditioner, I came up with this mixture a couple of days ago. After I used it my hair felt soft and moisturized. I did this treatment after a co-wash, left it on for 30 minutes. It smelled great by the way. I used half and will use the other half on my next wash day. 

Try these recipes and tell me what you think.


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